(Cross-posted here)
According to the Jewish Federation of Orange County, The University of California at Irvine (UC Irvine) has suspended the Muslim Student Union (MSU) for one year and placed it on disciplinary probation for an additional year. The MSU is also required to collectively complete 50 hours of community service. As a result, it will not be allowed to conduct organized campus events until at least the fall of 2011.
According to a UCI campus document, suspension means that the recognition of the MSU organization has been revoked. No current executive officer listed on the Dean of Students registration application form will be allowed to act as an “authorized signer” for any other student organization at UC Irvine during the suspension. The effective dates pertaining to the suspension are from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011.
This action is the direct result of a campaign of hate,incitement and intimidation organized by the MSA against Zionists and Jewish students on campus. According to Roz Rothstein of Stand with Us:
The Muslim Student Union (MSU) and Muslim Student Association (MSA), allied with extremist groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), focus single-mindedly on one goal: demonizing Israel. This is not your normal student activism. MSU and MSA members are obsessively driven by their mission. They are determined, methodical, focused, well-funded and strictly organized. The leaders are usually devout and infuse religious and moral justifications into the movement, making hatred of Israel akin to a religious as well as social justice cause.
The MSU, MSA and SJP groups don’t just plan actions for their own schools. SJP and the 600 MSU/MSA chapters across North America use the Internet to coordinate their anti-Israel strategies and to share their best practices. They exchange anti-Israel propaganda. They share fliers, props and slogans. They analyze what was effective and refine their tactics and execution for the upcoming year.
On February 8, 2010, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren visited the Orange County, California campus to give a talk to UCI students and community members. During the 90-minute event, Oren was repeatedly interrupted by members of the Muslim Student Union, 11 of whom were arrested. One of those arrested was the president of the MSU at UCI. The investigation of this incident revealed the Muslim Student Union’s organized plot to prevent Oren from delivering his presentation.
The MSU brought fringe speakers to the campus, including Malik Ali,a radical Islamic preacher whose primary goal is the overthrow of the American government and its replacement with an Islamic dictatorship. He declared during a campus speech just steps from the UC Irvine administration building, “Ya’ll (Jews) are the new Nazi’s.” Ali also confirmed his public support for terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
The disciplinary action taken involving 11 students arrested was not disclosed because of laws meant to protect their privacy
Read more here
Monday, June 14, 2010
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